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Mark Your Calendar: SF Property Tax Appeal Deadlines

July 28, 2023

In the bustling real estate market of San Francisco, many property owners, whether of single family dwellings or commercial properties, often find themselves taken aback by an unexpectedly hefty property tax bill. The soaring market value of real estate in the Bay Area counties frequently results in a high assessed value, leading to proportionally elevated property taxes.

However, for those who believe the value of their property has been overestimated, the San Francisco property tax appeal process offers a recourse. Within 60 days of receiving the county assessed properties division's annual notice, homeowners have the option to file an assessment appeal application with the assessment appeals board. This formal appeal, which must be filed before the deadline date of September 15, can contest the base year value determined by the county assessor's office.

If property owners believe their residence, be it residential property or unlike residential condominiums, has a fair market value different from the county's assessment, they can approach licensed real estate appraisers or even California licensed attorneys for guidance. This appeal application process at the city hall, if timely filed, can lead to a hearing date with hearing officers who will review comparable properties, sales information, and other factors to determine if a property tax reduction is warranted. It's essential for property owners to be informed, as understanding this can help in potential assessment adjustment and ensure that the taxable value of their assets remains fair in a competitive and open market.

Understanding Property Tax Appeals

Property tax assessments and appeals provide homeowners with the opportunity to contest their property's assessed value, particularly if they believe it to be inordinately high. When a property's assessed value is high, the resulting tax obligation will also be high, which can lead to significant financial strain for the homeowner. Therefore, an appeal can potentially lead to a significant reduction in the property tax obligation if successful.

Basis for Property Tax Appeals

The primary basis for most property tax appeals lies in the belief that the county assessor's office has overestimated the value of the property. This overestimation can be due to various reasons, such as inaccuracies in the original assessment, failure to account for certain factors that can lower the property's value, or misinterpretation of the current real estate market conditions. These misjudgments can result in a higher assessed value and consequently, a higher property tax bill.

The Appeal Process

The process of appealing a property tax assessment requires more than merely expressing disagreement with the assessment. It requires homeowners to provide tangible evidence to substantiate their claim that the property's assessed value is too high. Despite the rigorous nature of this process, it offers homeowners a potentially viable path to reducing their property tax obligations.

Key Dates to Remember

In the realm of property tax appeals, timing is everything. Knowing and understanding key dates in the process is paramount to filing a successful appeal.

Assessment Notice Receipt

The journey of a property tax appeal begins with the receipt of your property tax assessment notice. Typically, homeowners in San Francisco receive this notice by the end of July each year. The receipt of this notice effectively commences the countdown towards the appeal filing deadline.

Filing Deadline

The filing deadline is the next critical date in the process. San Francisco allows a filing window that runs from July 2 to September 15. Missing this window can have severe implications, as it would mean the homeowner must wait until the next tax year to file an appeal.

Hearing Schedule

After an appeal is filed, a hearing date will be set. This date is typically set within six months of the filing date. The hearing provides homeowners with the opportunity to present their case to the Assessment Appeals Board.

How to File an Appeal

The process of filing an appeal can seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it's entirely manageable.

Organize Your Documentation

The first step is to get your documentation in order. This includes records such as property sales comparables, photographs of the property, maps, and in some cases, a professional appraisal report. All these documents serve as evidence to support your appeal.

Filling Out the Application

Next, you'll need to fill out the application form. This step requires careful attention to detail to ensure all information provided is accurate and well-detailed. Remember, this form serves as your formal request for an appeal, so it needs to be correctly filled out.

Submitting Your Appeal

Once you've filled out the application form, the next step is to submit it. In San Francisco, appeals are submitted to the Assessment Appeals Board. A small filing fee is typically required upon submission.

What Happens After Submission?

After submitting your appeal, the next stages of the process begin.

Assessment Appeal Board Hearing

At the hearing, homeowners are given the opportunity to present their case in front of the Assessment Appeals Board. This stage is critical, as it's where you present your evidence and argue for a lower assessment. Therefore, preparation is essential. Your presentation needs to be clear, concise, and professional.

The Board's Decision

Once the hearing concludes, the Board will deliberate and make a decision. If the appeal is successful, the property's assessed value will be lowered, and consequently, the property tax bill will also be reduced.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Avoiding common mistakes such as missing deadlines, inadequately preparing for the hearing, or misunderstanding the appeals process can be critical for a successful appeal. A single misstep can potentially result in the denial of the appeal, so understanding each step of the process is crucial.


In conclusion, the process of appealing a property tax assessment in San Francisco can be complex and challenging. However, with the right preparation and understanding, it's a process that can potentially bring substantial savings. Remember to mark the key dates, gather your evidence thoroughly, and approach the appeal process with confidence and meticulousness.


1. When do I receive my property assessment notice in San Francisco?

You typically receive your property assessment notice by the end of July each year.

2. What is the filing deadline for property tax appeals in San Francisco?

The deadline for filing a property tax appeal in San Francisco is September 15.

3. How long does it take to get a hearing date for my appeal?

It typically occurs within six months of the filing date.

4. What kind of documentation do I need to file an appeal?

You'll need records like property sales comparables, photos, maps, and maybe even an appraisal report.

5. Can I re-appeal if my first appeal is unsuccessful?

Yes, if your appeal is unsuccessful, you can file a new appeal in the next tax year.

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